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Regulatory Authorities such as the Inland Revenue (IRB), Competition Commission (MyCC), Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Securities Commission (SC) have increased regulatory monitoring of Malaysian Businesses and have wide ranging powers to impose liability on Corporations for the conduct of their staff / management. 

Corporate Training Exercises for all members of staff & management have become a legal necessity to prevent the risk of legal breaches and provide a potential Defence to Companies in the event of any legal action.  We offer the following Corporate Training Exercises 

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Training

  • Provides a Defence to Companies Pursuant to Section 17A MACC Act

  • Conducted Physically or Online

  • Covers Anti Corruption/Bribery, Whistleblowing and Recommended Best Practices 

Drafting / Review of Corporate Manuals

  • Provides a Defence to Companies In the event of Investigations

  • Covers drafting / reviewing  Corporate Policies for:

  1. Anti-Bribery/ Anti-Corruption

  2. ESG 

  3. PDPA

  4. Competition Law

Dawn Raids & Investigations Training

  • Covers proper conduct and practices in the event of investigations / raids by Regulators

  • Proper responses to Regulators and Media

  • Audits, investigations & dawn raids by IRB, MyCC, MACC, Customs, SC, PDPA Commissioner etc.

Schedule A Training

Please leave your Name and Email below to schedule a Corporate Training Exercise.

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